
the article of gender stereotype

"Gender Equality: Why Women Are Still Held Back." Theguardian.com, 6 Dec. 2013. Web.5Dec.2015.<http://www.theguardian.com/business/economics-blog/2013/dec/06/gender-equality-women-stereotypes-stop-progress>.
     In this article, the author issued the situation that women have never been in a stronger position to lead, change and shape the economic, social, and political landscape. However, he explained there is a dramatic shift about the position of women in 21st century, and listing a lot of detailed data to prove the changes. Therefore, more and more people are looking forward to see men and women equally that represented in leaderships positions. Then, the authors uses the academic report to describe a relatively neglected factor that is the role of stereotypes, influence by social and cultural norms, which makes the exist of the bias of gender. Among them, the author detailed one of particularly element, which is the unconscious bias, arising from the assumptions and attitudes. At last, the author leaves some comments about his own thought to this situation.


breaking stereotypes

 nowadays gender stereotypes is a global problem. for example, we always thinks women should stay at home and men are supposed to go out working. So, there are some ways to break gender stereotypes. First, we should expand the range of activities for each gender. for instance,boys and girls can play together such as games, sports and so on. second, we should ask all generalization. Specifically, parents should careful any words about gender, and do not say some complaining, "do not running like girl". Then, turn in to your own biases. boys and girls both need to be shown that there are alternatives to the classic stereotypes. Apparently, we should prevent gender stereotypes, because gender stereotypes always give us incorrect information.