In the past few journals we have already talked about gender stereotypes in media and what the meaning of "be a men" and "like a girl". And we realized gender stereotypes still exist everywhere even more and more common. Then today i gonna discuss the Gender stereotypes in commercials. as we know commercial is the part of our life and we can watch commercials anytime anywhere. No doubt commercial are constantly exerting subtle influence to us. For example, Dr Pepper's advertisement is a classic example. " it's not for women" is clearly print on package. Obviously, it is totally unfair for women and exist gender stereotypes. Furthermore, there are some words on package, it said a lady-free zone of rugged, macho, hair-on-your-chest awesomeness that's definitely not for women. In my opinion, this commercial give people wrong message and lead woman and men what should drink.
Then, this video illustrates a lot of commercial as example to talk about gender stereotypes. just like this video said those commercial is easier to affect children to know about what they need do, so because of gender stereotype in commercials children have wrong realizing from the star.
Finally, i really hope in the future there are not gender stereotypes in commercials, and gender stereotypes are no longer exist in the future.